Rotoflex™ Resource Recovery Strainer

The RotoFlex resource recovery strainer is a liquid filtration system that is used to effectively and efficiently reclaim white water, heat, chemicals, and fiber from a variety of process industry applications.
How does a RotoFlex™ resource recovery strainer work?
The fluid to be filtered is supplied to a distribution header that feeds six stationary distribution header arms mounted on an angle parallel to the screen.
A series of uniquely designed slots on each header delivers the feed at low pressure uniformly around the screen surface area. The impact force from the distribution slots combined with the precisely angled flow results in rotation of the screen assembly.
Water that passes through the filtration medium collects and drains from the bottom of the unit. The retained solid material slides down the angled screen to the center where it exits the system to a user supplied collection tank.
Backerless filter media design
Automatic upset recovery
No external power for screen rotation
Optional intermittent cleaning shower
Replace filter media in minutes
Recovery of water, heat, chemical, and fiber
No electrical motors or continuous shower water required
Continuous operation through system upset conditions
High volume capacity
The filter media assembly. The conical media hangs freely from the upper support ring and is not attached or in contact with any part of the strainer below the ring. As the feed flow from the distribution headers impact the media and the media rotates, the synthetic mesh flexes back and forth, shedding the fiber and debris without the aid of a cleaning shower or scraping device.
The RotoFlex resource recovery strainer filter media is simple and quick to change. With at least two people, the process takes just minutes. This video provides step-by-step instructions for changing the filter media on the RotoFlex resource recovery strainer.
Yes, the screen rotation does not require external power, making it energy efficient.