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Prevent Fibre Wraps with a Roll Cleaning Solution from Kadant

                               Some call them draw stands or stretching stands while others call them spinner rolls or godet rolls. Regardless of the name, if you are a synthetic fiber producer, a few things are true:

  1. The fiber must be stretched to the desired denier.
  2. Process upsets associated with broken or loose fibers wrapping rolls must be dealt with.
  3. Rolls are manually cleaned before starting the next production run.

For years, the industry standard for roll cleaning and wrap prevention was to use a bulky piece of equipment that allowed a pad or brush assembly to be loaded perpendicularly to the roll. Although effective at removing light haze build-up or polishing the roll, pads are typically less effective at preventing fiber wraps than blades. At best, pads serve as a collection point for stray fibers.

K1600_SM.jpgKadant’s VeriLite™ roll cleaner assembly is a lightweight alternative to bulky apparatuses and is ideally suited for safely and reliably cleaning cantilevered rolls. The assembly accepts a variety of doctor or roll cleaning blade materials as well as Kadant’s patented EZ Kleen™ roll polisher pads. With the VeriLite roll cleaner assembly, fiber stretching operations are inherently safer because roll cleaning blades can be easily and quickly removed from the end.

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